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Love London Gardens

If you love gardening then you must be fan of London gardens. At London Gardens Online, we are here to curate some of the most beautiful gardens in London that can inspire you to start a beautiful garden of your own. Let’s start from Buckingham Palace to Chelsea and beyond.

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Our Services

We are one of the leading gardeners in London. The variety of your needs is offered to you. The representative of London Garden will help you with any kind of problems. All the gardening services are offered at very reasonable rates.

Our Love for London Gardens

We are highly passionate about beautiful gardens in the London area. Each of us is a different type of gardener:

Maksim knows the names of many famous gardens in the city; Alice is passionate about English gardens, Dalia loves all types of gardens, and I’m just a lover of green

We believe in having a big garden to enjoy, rather than having a small garden which nobody sees. So we buy plants for the whole garden, including a large herb garden with a glasshouse and a greenhouse. We decided to make our life together in such a garden.

Gardens are the greatest people-watching attraction in London. London is the greenest big city in the world.
Looking for the best gardens in London? Then check out our website for complete database of gardens in London.
Contact us and let us know about your preferences, if you would like to send us photos of your garden, your suggestions and any other comments.

Featured London Gardens

Our Garden Tips

If you’ve ever thought of starting a vegetable garden from scratch then start with this article. It will tell you everything you need to know about starting your first veg plot. Our blog is written by Iain-A Burford who has more than 15 years’ experience in vegetable production.

He has shown us how to produce five different types of seedbed:
To give you a comparison of a few different types of seeds and how much room you might have to grow them in.

You will also learn the answers to some common questions about growing in containers and the top tips for low-maintenance vegetable gardening.
Be sure to take away a few techniques and ideas for enhancing your soil.

Our blog is written by Lucy Morris who has more than 10 years’ experience in growing vegetables.

She has given us a number of ideas about pruning which will help you to get a more uniform distribution of plants and get the best out of your plants.

It’s always nice to have a discussion with your fellow gardeners, share your experiences and build a community where you can learn from one another.
If you’ve ever wondered what you can do in the garden to maximise production then this is a great place to go to find out what’s new in the world of gardening.

Over the next three weeks we will publish articles and recipes to share with you the best of the gardening blogosphere.

If you’ve not been already be sure to subscribe to our blog. You’ll receive regular updates on new posts, new techniques, tips and more.


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What Our Clients Say

I am a beginner level gardener – a novice compared to some. I don’t get my hands dirty all that often and would never describe myself as a “hardy plant person”. But I love growing things and learning about plants.
And this blog has helped me a lot, and I feel I need to put this out there. I may get better, but this is what I have now.

London Gardens Online have helped me a lot in growing my plants. I have been reading all sorts of tips and I always pop on to their forums and look for tips on what to do in certain situations.

I’ve also had a lot of help from team when I’ve been trying new things, and when I’m about to get the train back down south and won’t be able to water my plants for the day.

I also get advice and help from my mum too. What I have now is mainly sweetpeas and marjoram, which are easy to grow and are mainly really nice tasting plants.

And don’t forget that London is a city, and no matter how much you want to make your home feel like a retreat from the hubbub of life, you still have to deal with the elements. It’s lucky for me that I live in London, but I still need to make the most of it. So thank you so much London Gardens Online team for all the help and support.




Our bonsai maintenance guide explains how to care for bonsai trees, how they are managed and what their specific requirements are, as well as how they are pruned and how you can learn more about growing bonsai.

The bonsai tree care booklet (PDF file) has detailed information and photos on how to care for and manage bonsai trees, including general care tips, starting the bonsai process, how to prepare the soil, and how to prune and care for the tree.

Our Garden Cleaning Guide (PDF file) is a simple guide for maintaining the bonsai and the landscape. This guide also explains the general maintenance recommendations for the soil, how to prepare it, the best watering method, pruning techniques, and how to clean the soil and how to remove the soil after you’ve done all that.

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